Thursday 26 July 2012

Another Afghanistan?

It has been said that it is easier to take someone's benefit in their weak moments. Al-Qaeda is exactly doing the same with Syrians and though we all talk so much about Syrian people and their sacrifices, we have closed our eyes towards what really is happening. The "Jehad" word comes from fighting for what is right and I suppose initially when it started in Pakistan and Afghanistan, it was actually for right reasons. But now that Syrian people fighting for what is theirs, they have become easy targets for such terrorist organisations. Its been more than a year since Syrian people are fighting for freedom and nothing has happened. The angst among people have caused hundreds of people to die and here we are, oblivion to what is happening. I Just hope Syria does not become another Afghanistan!


  1. Dear Pragya,

    As you have rightly pointed out that Syria may meet the similar fate as that by Afghanistan. I feel really disheartened to see the active involvement of educated people in such heinous crimes in the name of religion. I feel there is an urgent need to do something really about it. Just imparting education will not help; it is the society which has to assume a much larger role in helping in imbibing right values by every individual “Not Mere and Tere but Sub Ka” on this universe to make it violence free. Besides, there is an imperative need to create employment avenues to channelize uncontrolled energies following in the body of our youths.

    Let’s hope for the violence free world.

    Kirti Danwar

  2. Dear Kirti,

    You have made some very valid points on the current situation on Syria. Its been more than a year and it seems that everybody has given up on the possible and expected solution and people of Syria have become so frustrated and angry that they are ready to get themselves indulged into such crimes. It is so sad that, as you have rightly mentioned, educated people are also getting involved. I also pray with you for a violence free world.
